Public Relations / Writing / Editing / Consultation Services


Client/Agency: Achieve outcomes through public relations and strategic communications. Services include: developing integrated marketing and communications plans and project timelines, identifying target audiences, developing pitches and press materials, strategizing social media campaigns, and developing a comprehensive thought leadership roadmap to include bylines, events, and speaking opportunities.


Developmental Edit: For novels/nonfiction projects at any stage of composition—partial first draft, completed first draft, or a draft that’s gone through several revisions but is still not quite yielding to the vision you have for it. I will read your manuscript and offer a complete evaluation, top to bottom: point of view, tense, structure, plot and pacing, characterization, setting, tone, and theme. I will provide a comprehensive written assessment, as well as a follow up meeting during which we’ll discuss in detail all the elements of your book, and how it can be improved.

Line Edit: A good option if you feel like most of your book’s moving parts are in good working order, and what you need is someone to really dig into the prose and tell you what is and is not succeeding. Sentence by sentence and paragraph by paragraph, I’ll evaluate the creative content and language of your book, offering suggestions for improvement without compromising your style or voice.


Crash Course for Beginners: Initial assessment of your project and where you are to date, and what you hope to accomplish. You will walk away with a 30,000-foot view of next best steps, what to expect, advice on how to strategically move forward both short-term and long-term.

Immersive Consultation: Services provided include how to pull an agent submission list based on your project, as well as help crafting a query letter. Hands-on assistance in op-ed and essay writing and placement, as well as help crafting pitches to media editors and finding the right contacts. Support in development of social media platforms, including a tutorial of best practices, lists of influential media to follow, and how to make the most of it. Walk away with a detailed project goal timeline, top priorities, and next best action steps for moving forward.


  • Edit/Proofread short pieces (ie: essays, query letters, opeds)

  • Copyedit MS length manuscript or research paper

  • White-label content creation

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